Monday, July 5, 2010

Why does the colour of lipstick change on the lips?

When your lipstick changes colour or 'turns blue' on your lips, after a period of wear, it is an indication that it needs to be reapplied. This change occurs because the so called true colour of the lipstick (the colour you see in the lipstick case or on the lips immediately after application) has worn out more quickly than those components of the lipstick which are responsible for the adherence and these chemicals generally have a slight bluish tone.

Habits like biting or picking the lips intensify the problem, since they help remove the true colour even more quickly. If your lips are not dry and clean, when you are applying ¬ lipstick, the colour loss is more rapid. You would face this problem less frequently brown or brick shades, since these pigments tend to keep their colour better than pink or mauve shades.
Lipsticks seem to come off rather easily nowadays as they are less heavy and less staining than they were before. This is because they contain more waxes and emollients to give them a sheer glossy finish - something which todays costumer wants.

Remove the Lipstick

Remove the lipstick before going to bed. It is advisable to use a good quality product. Sub standard product can spoil the skin.

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