Monday, July 5, 2010


Lipstick can change the look of lips - broad lips can be made to look thin and thin lips can be made to look broad and shape of lips can also be moulded to some extent.
- For a Small face use light shade on lower lip and darker tinge on upper lip.

- For thin Lips, apply light shade on upper lip and dark on lower lip. This will make your lips look slightly broader. You can also make your lips look broad by increasing the outline of your lips.

- For broad lips reduce the outline considerably.

- Uneven lips can be given desired shape according to your face by making an appropriate outline.

- For thickness apply two coats.

Tips for Choosing Colour of your Lipsticks

Choose colour as per your age, the occasion and the clothes you are wearing.

- Natural shades suit the girls.

- Working women should not use bright shades while going to work.

- Young women with fair complexion between eighteen and twenty-five should use pink shades.

- Women with dark complexion between eighteen and twenty-five can use orange shade.

- Women between twenty-five and forty should go in for lighter shade.

Lipstick according to Colour of your Eyes

- For brown eyed women, pink is recommended.

- For black eyes, use light crimson.

- For blue eyes, use scarlet and subdued brown.

- For greyish eyes, use orange shade.

Lipstick According to the Colour of your Hair

- With black, orange shade will suit.

- For grey hair, use pink.

- For golden brown, use scarlet.

Lipstick As per Colour of your Dresses

- With orange shade of your dress, use pink lipstick.

- With pink dress, use crimson.

You cannot match lipstick with each dress you wear, but try to match as much as you can.

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